Now you can automatically track page views, clicks and user input. These events will serve as the basis for our reports and on-demand funnels.

Page views are tracked at all times, using both the browser extension and the JavaScript snippet. Clicks and user input can be switched on and off using the browser extension settings tab or the workspace’s recorder settings, depending on the use case.

Existing workspaces, may not have clicks and user input tracking enabled by default. In order to enable any of these trackers, go to the workspace’s settings tab and update the recorder settings accordingly. New settings will take effect on new recordings.

Last but not least, the player has been enhanced by including controls for navigating between tracked events. The title also includes a direct link to the page currently viewed.

Clicks tracking

Not all clicks are captured; the recorder tracks clicks on buttons and anchors. Specifically, all clicks in elements that match the following selectors:


The event label is derived from the following list of order of precendence:

  1. The element’s custom label using the data-cubicast-label attribute
  2. The element’s aria-label attribute value
  3. The element’s value (in case of INPUT buttons)
  4. The first 128 characters of the element’s text content

If no label can be specified the click is not tracked.

User input tracking

All form elements are tracked, including INPUTs, TEXTAREAs and SELECTs. Again, the event label is derived from the following list of order of precendence:

  1. The element’s custom label using the data-cubicast-label attribute
  2. The element’s name
  3. The element’s ID
  4. The element’s tag name

Furthermore, the events include the element’s value. Of course for sensitive fields, such as passwords or fields marked as such, the value tracked is obfuscated.