EDIT: This is post is partly outdated. As of today, the Cubicast widget just records the current session. Submitting support requests will be feasible once we have in place the first integration with a 3rd party support system. Cubicast, will never evolve to a customer support system, but instead it will complement such systems. Having said this, the way to embed the Cubicast recorder in your web app or site remains the same, as described below.

After lots of iterations and tries, we have released the first flavor of what is meant to be our main product: a problem reporting tool which will be the key ingredient of our support offering.

What is it?

With Cubicast support, users of a web app in need of assistance, can record their actions and send the recording to support agents.

The visual recording makes it easy to understand the user problem and respond accordingly.

In case of bugs, it is also a means of escalating the issue to developers adding bookmarks and annotations to the relevant points.

How to implement?

First, create a special workspace in the Cubicast app, with the “Customer Support” role. Bind this workspace to certain domains only (the ones used your app).

Save the workspace and edit it again to view the Javascript snippet that you have to install in your web app.

Paste the script to the master template of your web app, just above the closing body tag.

Reload and you will see a tab like the following:

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The position of the tab is determined by the “Placement” setting, of the previous step.

How does it work?

Clicking on the tab makes it open like a drawer:

alt text

To record actions, click on the camera icon. Upon clicking, the icon changes to a square and a red frame blinks around the view-port.

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Once finished with the recording, click on the square button to stop. A dialog pops up that allows you to preview your recording and discard it if you are unhappy, or write a comment and submit it.

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Once submitted, the agents will be notified and start working with the user’s problem.

This is the simplest scenario for support request. It is the base for more nuanced and automated cases along with lots of integrations.

Please go ahead and try it. We are still in beta, so there is no cost. You can even implement it in production environments. We won’t object.

As always, we would love to hear your feedback.